
Friday, July 03, 2009


Life begins within- it rises and emerges in a series of growing complexity and subtlety, interpenetrating and binding all things together as a principle of cohesion- that vibrating force that resides and breathes in the spaces between.

All that we need, all that we seek is always already here.

The Way in is the Way out; the center defies direction.

Thoughts spot and color the mind the way blood patterns as it splatters upon a field of snow.
Blood is the medium of life and mind as they conspire to spread and create as a product of the crystal-lattice matrix of Awareness which defines our direction of Divinity.

Experience in and of itself is the pure and authentic result of Quality bifurcating into a subject and an object which together evidences an interaction.
Vibrational frequencies or colors known as emotions which result from conditioning then cover experience as a rind thereby obscuring its true nature and serves to prohibit contact which inhibits the alchemical process of transforming experience into the raw material of growth through its integration into, and resultant expansion of, our boundaries of identity.
In time this rind over experience becomes covered by more layers upon layers of barriers and borders carrying the original experience to even greater distances from consciousness through the psychological functions of denial/suppression/repression.
The covering of experience grants the individual a certain sense of ease and flow in immediacy and contributes to the habit of avoidance.
But in reality, all that we avoid is the germinating substance which we need to grow.
Avoidance is a primary addiction and the process of addiction produces increasing hunger for the object of obsession. In converting a want into a need, a conditioned object into an object of worship, one’s happiness, one’s very survival becomes tied to the false idol in the illusion of such perceived artificial necessity.
As the process of addiction proceeds, exercising the choice of reality becomes more difficult.
But it is a choice that is always available, even if veiled- the choice of receptivity over resistance, the choice of embrace over repulsion, of humility over pride, of reality over fantasy, of spirit over personality.

This present, unintegrated mind is a flickering flame, a light which is yet a shadow of Light. The true Light is the Awareness which is spread within and before all as a Universal Atmosphere.
To live in the flesh is to hold one’s breath.
To Awaken to Enlightenment and be born once again is to finally fill one’s being with this Air, disappear into Becoming, and never be heard from again.

The seed falls into the ground,
the tree is born to spread and flourish,
and the fruits come forth shining their promise of grace and providence into being before the witness of all the world-

Be at One
and Arrive.


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