
Friday, July 03, 2009


Life begins within- it rises and emerges in a series of growing complexity and subtlety, interpenetrating and binding all things together as a principle of cohesion- that vibrating force that resides and breathes in the spaces between.

All that we need, all that we seek is always already here.

The Way in is the Way out; the center defies direction.

Thoughts spot and color the mind the way blood patterns as it splatters upon a field of snow.
Blood is the medium of life and mind as they conspire to spread and create as a product of the crystal-lattice matrix of Awareness which defines our direction of Divinity.

Experience in and of itself is the pure and authentic result of Quality bifurcating into a subject and an object which together evidences an interaction.
Vibrational frequencies or colors known as emotions which result from conditioning then cover experience as a rind thereby obscuring its true nature and serves to prohibit contact which inhibits the alchemical process of transforming experience into the raw material of growth through its integration into, and resultant expansion of, our boundaries of identity.
In time this rind over experience becomes covered by more layers upon layers of barriers and borders carrying the original experience to even greater distances from consciousness through the psychological functions of denial/suppression/repression.
The covering of experience grants the individual a certain sense of ease and flow in immediacy and contributes to the habit of avoidance.
But in reality, all that we avoid is the germinating substance which we need to grow.
Avoidance is a primary addiction and the process of addiction produces increasing hunger for the object of obsession. In converting a want into a need, a conditioned object into an object of worship, one’s happiness, one’s very survival becomes tied to the false idol in the illusion of such perceived artificial necessity.
As the process of addiction proceeds, exercising the choice of reality becomes more difficult.
But it is a choice that is always available, even if veiled- the choice of receptivity over resistance, the choice of embrace over repulsion, of humility over pride, of reality over fantasy, of spirit over personality.

This present, unintegrated mind is a flickering flame, a light which is yet a shadow of Light. The true Light is the Awareness which is spread within and before all as a Universal Atmosphere.
To live in the flesh is to hold one’s breath.
To Awaken to Enlightenment and be born once again is to finally fill one’s being with this Air, disappear into Becoming, and never be heard from again.

The seed falls into the ground,
the tree is born to spread and flourish,
and the fruits come forth shining their promise of grace and providence into being before the witness of all the world-

Be at One
and Arrive.

Friday, June 26, 2009


In searching to find ourselves, we create and re-condition the self.
The objective is neither to find nor to create a self, but to exit the vortex of self-ness entirely.
We begin by inquiring into the motivation to search, and encountering the orginal observer itself.
We then become aware of the full fiction of persistence and that there is absence at the beginning and the end of the circle.
Only the center survives.

What a strange hall of mirrors, facades, dreams and illusions the sleeping life is- to begin is to be born through water; to awaken is to be re-born of light and emptiness.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


I feel that my reservoir has run empty, right down to the very bottom where nothing but a sludge-like slurry, viscous substance is left- the Dynamic quality has run dry, as surely as hope has. There was a time when I would just make quantum leaps to the extreme of despair or anxiety and hover for a while letting the force of the fury of it all tear at my spirit for a while before floating to the top again a fraction of what I was before. But for all of the trouble and turbulence, suffering and strife that anxiety or depair causes, they are states of energy, even if that energy is maladaptively directed. At some recent time, I lost even my ability to gravitate to such states, the residence was replaced with a haunting numbness that terrifies me when I attain enough distance from it to feel again. This numbness seems an abscence, an emptiness, a nothingness- and I can't imagine what progress I can make in the face of a nothing. It is possible that it is yet another farther stage of my progress out of the spiral of habit-energy that has had me trapped in its gravity well. But the farther along I get, the more I begin to wonder whether I can survive long enough to be free of it.
On or around the fundamental existential spectrum of away and toward, attachment and aversion, there is a holy Third Direction. I just can't see it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I am a shimmering bubble within the foam on the crest of a wave waxing and waning, ebbing and flowing, rising and flowing, destined to pass away, returning to the ocean within.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


All of conditioned life is defined by a persistent tension between the opposing furies of obligation and desire- the former imprisons while the later sedates the frustration that the former generates.
Remember the Center and practice Unconditioning.

Monday, June 22, 2009


It has been such a terribly long time since I have written anything here. It feels such a great injustice considering how valuable writing has been to me as a tool for enhancing self-awareness, and how valuable I feel it is meant to be in the intended unfolding of my future. It is typical of me. Everytime I get close to something resonant, something of value to my opening, I feel the resistance, the habit of contraction begin within me, and within an instant the contraction becomes so severe that by the time it works itself out, I have lost the opportunity I was given, and I have lost another collection of finite moments. I have only recently attained some success in transcending the paralyzing guilt and regret which is inevitably associated with this cycle, and such transcendence is the central component in escaping the gravity well of self-limitation. It is barely conceivable and quite terrifying how strong habit-energy can be. The gravity of our combined habit-energy can in some cases be so strong that one's whole life is pulled apart to the last particle leaving nothing left but a faint trace of what could have been, a dissipating note from a symphony that never was. But I am still here, I am still breathing and moving and having valuable experiences, even making some progress it seems. It just isn't enough, not yet- it isn't enough. There is a point of no return out there somewhere, and I hope that I am not too late.